Accuracy of information
This website may have typographical or factual errors. While St Andrews Nightline makes every effort to maintain an accurate information database and up-to-date website, we cannot be held responsible for any actions taken because of the material within this website. The content of this website may be changed without notice.
Please note that any websites accessed through this website via hyperlink are not directly related or affiliated with St Andrews Nightline, and St Andrews Nightline takes no responsibility for the content of said websites or organisations.
The content of this website is protected by copyright by St Andrews Nightline and may not be copied, reproduced, stored, or otherwise transferred without prior consent from St Andrews Nightline.
Equal opportunities
The University of St Andrews Nightline (hereafter, Nightline) is an inclusive organisation. It is committed to ensuring that service users, listening volunteers, the Publicity Team, and potential volunteers are treated with respect and dignity and are not discriminated against on the basis of race, colour, national or ethnic origins, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, financial situation, religion, age, or belief.
Nightline provides a service to the entire student community in St Andrews. It is committed to ensuring that it is an accessible service to as much of this community as possible. In line with this, the content, location, and types of publicity used to publicise Nightline target as broad a range of prospective and actual service users as possible.
Nightline aims to cater to the needs of each service user as much as possible by providing both a phone and email service and by ensuring a male and a female volunteer are on duty every night that Nightline is open. All calls and emails are handled sensitively and appropriately and in accordance with Nightline’s five principles: anonymity, confidentiality, being non-judgemental, being non-directive, and empathy.
Nightline has an application process for potential volunteers and cannot take every individual who applies. The recruitment and selection of Nightline volunteers are publicised to as broad a range of the student community as possible. All potential volunteers are treated fairly and with respect. However, Nightline is unable to take volunteers who are in their final semester at St Andrews due to the nature and length of the training process. In order to maintain the standard of service provision, it is also necessary that the recruitment process is tailored towards ensuring an even spread of sexes and graduation dates from St Andrews within the listening volunteer team. Reasonable allowances will be made to ensure that Nightline can cater to the needs of every individual with the potential to make a good listening volunteer. Nightline will accommodate the needs of every Nightline volunteer as far as reasonably possible.
The University of St Andrews Nightline will not disclose to any third party any information relating to the identity of a service user nor the content of any phone call, instant message or email received except in the following circumstances.
The duty to maintain confidentiality subsists both during and after a volunteer’s involvement with Nightline. Any breach of confidentiality during an individual’s involvement in Nightline will lead to disciplinary action being taken against them. Every Nightline volunteer is required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement during the initial training process in recognition of their understanding and acceptance of Nightline’s confidentiality policies.
Our confidentiality policy
- If the Service User contacts Nightline using Skype, their Skype username will be recorded in our Skype call log.
- This call log is only accessible by the Director and no other volunteer will ever see this log.
- The call log is cleared regularly and the Director will ensure that they do not consider or take note of the usernames of those who have contacted.
- Under the Terrorism Act (2000) we are legally required to disclose any information that is provided by the Service User that relates to a terrorism attack.
- This information will be disclosed to the Police without the consent of the Service User.
- We will disclose the information if it is evident that the Service User holds a credible intention to harm others.
- This information will only be disclosed if it is provided voluntarily by the Service User.
- This information may be disclosed to the Police, St Andrews Student Services, other Nightline, or another third party without the consent of the Service User.
- We will disclose information in regards to safeguarding children.
- Any person under 16 is considered a child.
- If it becomes apparent that a child may be at risk of harm, the Service User will be informed that any information they disclose about a child at risk of harm may be disclosed to the NSPCC.
- We will also disclose information if the Service User explicitly requests that we disclose information.
- To whom we disclose this information will be explicitly determined by the service user.
Nightline has signed the Disabled Students Network Accessibility Pledge as a commitment to making our organisation as accessible as possible. We are continually working to improve in this area and welcome any suggestions you may have.
Data Privacy
Nightline aims to minimise as much as possible the amount of personal data we process. We may process personal data where the law requires us to do so, in order to safeguard vulnerable individuals, to protect our volunteers’ wellbeing and to continuously improve and develop the services we provide. All of our practices comply with UK GDPR. You can view our full Data Privacy Notice here.